What are you struggling with now in your computational modelling?

Hello Reader,

Good day. I hope you are having a good time wherever you are.

The summer is in full swing here in London and the temperature out there is about 31 degree Celsius. The fans and air cons are all out and many are out and about enjoying the brilliant day.

It is not always that we see such brilliant weather so I am going to make the best of it. I am therefore not going to spend a lot of time writing an extended newsletter today. I just have one question for you.

What are you struggling the most in your computational modelling?

I regularly get comments on my YouTube Channel with requests on what videos to make. I try to do so.

However, in the future, I will like to respond more directly to requests of my CM Videos Insiders. I believe this community needs to be served better this way.

So, please let me know what you are currently struggling the most with in your computational modelling journey. The plan is that I will prioritize them in my decision of future videos to make.

Here is a form hosted on the CM Videos website which you can please fill and I will be in touch soon.

That is all for this week and let me go and enjoy the sun and we will catch up again next week.

Thank you for reading this newsletter.

If you have any comment about my reflections this week, please do email me in a reply to this message and I will be so glad to hear from you.

If you know anyone who would benefit from reading these reflections, please do share with them. If there is any topic you want me to explore making a video about, then please do let me know by clicking on the link below. I wish you a wonderful week and I will catch up with you in the next newsletter.

Lets keep creating effective computational modelling solutions.


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