The 3DExperience: Ecosystem for all things computational modelling
8 months ago • 5 min readDear Reader, Computational Modelling Masterclass Before we head into the newsletter, I wanted to know if you would be interested in a Computational Modelling Masterclass that I will host over the next few months. I am gauging the interest of my audience for this. Please let me know. Please would you be interested in a Live Cohort of a Computational Modelling Masterclass hosted by me? Yes, I would love it No, maybe in future Undecided Hi Reader, I have been away speaking at three conferences...
READ POSTComprehensive insight into Ductile Damage | Conference Plans | University Defined
9 months ago • 6 min readDear Reader, I have had a really productive week and with the end of term in my university nearly upon us, I am going to have more time to do the things that I always wanted to do. I will explain more about my plans for the summer later in this and future newsletters. For this week, here are the things I want to reflect on: Technical Reflections: Comprehensive Ductile Damage Behind the Scenes at CM Videos: Conference Plans for the summer Quote for the week: University defined Before we get...
READ POSTThe challenge of designing complex lattices | Transformation through YouTube | Identity and Habits
10 months ago • 6 min readDear Reader, I hope you are doing okay. I wanted to reflect about a recent journey I have started with designing of complex lattice structures. I will also bring back some of the features of my newsletters. Lets go! Technical Reflections Challenge of designing Complex Lattice structures I have always enjoyed creating unit cells and representative volume elements of lattice structures. Most of the structures I have designed and published video about on the CM Videos YouTube Channel, have been...
READ POSTA short story about Numerical Bulk Modulus
10 months ago • 3 min readDear Reader, Good day! Hope you are having a fine day today. Here is another newsletter as we continue to create effective computational modelling solutions to any of your modelling challenges. Today, I wanted to tell a story that informed my two latest YouTube videos. Lets get into the newsletter Technical Reflections A short story about Numerical Bulk Modulus Setup for determine numerical bulk modulus of a PP Block As you know, I make videos on the CMVideos YouTube channel and most of the...
READ POSTUnusual Cylindrical RVEs: Do they matter?
10 months ago • 4 min readDear Reader, Good day to you, wherever you are reading this from. I hope you are having a relaxing end to the week and the new month has started with a bang for you. If you are subscribed to this newsletter for a while, you would have noticed that I have not written to you for about a month now. I apologize for that. This period is unusually busy for me at my day job as a university lecturer. I have been spending a lot of my time lecturing, supervising students, setting assessment items and...